
The snake that eats its own tail. This creature has been used to represent the continuity of time and the non ending cycles. It is also a symbol of the constant recreation of nature.Should you find an ouroboros, beware what's in the center of it, for it is supposed to recreate over and over again, you don't want an ouroboros with the word misfortune in its center.


A charming demon woman that sucks away men's life through sexual intercourse. When their beauty is not ehough to catch a victim, they ussually disguise themselves as a woman loved by that specific man who is going to be their prey.


A terrible demon, the above is a representation taken from the videogame series Castlevania. In the Bible, Jesus took out this demon from a possesed person and send it into a pack of boars that later on jumped from a cliff. Jesus said "his name is Legion because he is one and he is many".


These creatures are the opposite to angels and the most evil beings. Some of them are actually fallen angels and others are believed to have been created through people's sins. As angels are believed to inhabit the heavens, demons on the contrary live in hell, and their primary objective is to torture humans who have been cast into hell, or tempt them to commit sins. It has also been said that demons can possses humans and dwell inside their bodies. One of the most interesting one of them is Legion.


This is one of the most commonly known beings. Said to be servants of God, this beings are attributed with wisdom and love superior to those of human beings. Their task is to guide humans through life and protect them from demons and other evils. They are almost always represented as a person with wings. This feature ads to their classifications since an extended number of wings(six for example) marks a higher ranking. Some known angels are Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and others